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A is for A-Ha

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Happy April!

Today begins the A to Z blogging challenge where bloggers all over the world will write a post for every letter of the alphabet through out the month. The challenge is that the posts must cover your blogs topic. For the She's Listening blog the categories are pretty broad. But a friend challenged me to do the A to Z blog challenge on 80s music. Which leads to...

A is for A-Ha
If you don't know who A-Ha is then you either were not a child of the 80s or you never saw the MTV video for "Take on Me" which mixed animation and live-action. The video was considered cutting-edge and earned the group 6 MTV Music Awards out of the eight it was nominated for in 1986.

Oh now you have an A-Ha moment...
and the song will most definitely be stuck in your head for the night!


pammustard said...

Yes it will be stuck in my head all night! Loved that trip down memory lane! Great post and great theme for the a to z challenge!

Unknown said...

I didn't recognize the group name but I certainly remember the song!

Andi said...

This is one of my all-time favorite songs from my childhood. :-D

Natalie Decker said...

I know this song. I feel old. LOL.

jhuber7672 said...
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jhuber7672 said...

I'm a product of the 80s, great memories from this song :)

Unknown said...

Definitely right down my alley! If you've seen my FB wall during my Youtube DJ-fests, most of them seem to be 80s music!
Stopping by on the A to Z Challenge from Debbie & Harry's Kitchen.

John said...

Love it!

Sharon the Librarian said...

I love that song. There is a band in my area that does (or used to do) a cover version of that song. I was always amazed when the lead got those notes right. Of course, that was 5 years ago so who knows if they still do that song.

Michelle said...

What a great topic for the A to Z challenge! I love 80's music, and can't wait to see what you come up with... hope there is some Michael Jackson in the mix!

Niccodaemus said...

One of my all time favorite videos!

Go A-Z Challenge!

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